<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mae Date in October

Received a reply from Mae about meeting at my house on Tuesday, October 21. She wrote, "Yes, yes, yes! Thank you for the invitation to your home... but you are going to MT the weekend of the 18th--won't you be tired? Oh, of course--I forgot you are young! Ha."

Thank you, Cheryl, for your willingness to make this happen. She seems so pleased with so little, and I appreciate her sincere prayers for all of us, "my girls".

Thought I'd share some things from her notebook that I liked:
  • Being perplexed, I say, "Lord, make it right! Night is as day to Thee, darkness is Light."
  • I am afraid to touch things that involve so much--my trembling hand may shake, my skill-less hands may break; Thine can make no mistake!
  • Hunt for the precious life in others.
  • Respond instead of react.
  • As long as the noisy restlessness of the mind goes on, the gentle holy desires of the new nature are quenched.
  • Since self-control is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, we know where to go!
  • Bring Life to whatever situations you face. Deut. 30:19-20 Choose life!
  • Look at temptations as an intrusion of an enemy power against the life of Christ in you. Ps. 69:9
  • Ps. 101:2 Make daily duties steps heavenward.
  • Prov. 12:25 Anxiety causes depression.

I like how she signs her letters, "My always love." Isn't she dear?!

I sure hope we can all be there. What do you think? I'd like her to meet Rosie again. =) XO

Our Abba Loves Us!

Oh Cheryl, my heart leaps for joy when I hear/see how God loves his children so much. I too have been blessed by our time spent away. The conversation of our past so engrained in my flesh refreshed my view of Dean. Our relationship has had its share of troubles this past couple of years. Our discussion allowed me to view Dean as a child and all of the crap that happened to him. I then evaluated how that has molded him: to how he thinks, how he reacts when corrected, denied his wants, how he guards himself (to wall off his offenders-me) and so much more. My heart broke for him and for me. I have approached him and he was wide open for discussion which was an answer to prayer... Thank you all... Again our Abba desires to take care of His own. We are on a road of forgiveness beginning with each others parents for all the ickies they crippled us with. I pray from there we will forgive each other.

I was blessed by the willingness of all of you to get together at whatever cost...-the cost of camping. Wow! The value of our relationship is beyond self comfort and into self-sacrifice. Whereever you go I will go!! I love you all!


free book

Just wanted to let you know that if you fill out a little survey about your reading preferences at this KMBI website, you can get a free book. The titles to choose from are:

Sex, Sushi, and Salvation
The Marriage Prayer
Tuesday Night at the Blue Moon
Good Intentions
Lord, Change My Attitude
Lies Young Women Believe
Daily Seeds From Women Who Walk in Faith
Radical Womanhood
A Tip a Day With Ellie Kay (personal finances)
The Five Love Languages

Just scroll down a wee bit and click on the Moody Book Club link. You might not be interested in any of the titles, but just in case anyone is.....
XO, ~c.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Answered prayer

I want to thank you, my YaYa's for praying for me. Cyndi - I have had two glorious nights of sleep since we returned. I am ever so grateful and also humbled that I did not ask for prayer. Did not even think of it. Heathen dog. To all of you - the difficult person did not show for the 3+ hours of meetings on Wednesday night. That was a blessing in that we had so much to accomplish and would have been there longer and in more painful fashion. The issue still must be addressed, but that was apparently not God's timing. I had peace going in and relief coming out. Still covet your prayers. Chewing on this verse from Moffatt version: Romans 15: 1-2

"We who are strong (though I hardly feel so) ought to bear the burdens that the weak make for themselves and us. We are not to please ourselves, each of us must please his neighbor, doing him good by building up his faith."

Thank you, my YaYa's. I love you.


Friday, September 19, 2008


Pente yeah!!! Oh this will be so much fun! As for cooking arrangements the cabin has microwave, stove with oven, refrig, running water,and inside plumbing.For entertainment there is a tv with lots of snow, vcr player, and maybe a music player like an cd player.
Ideas for food: If we are up there by lunch on the twenty third and leave before dinner on the twenty fourth then that means we need to plan for two lunches, one dinner and one breakfast...with lots of snacks in between. s mores maybe? I will bring the s'mores stuff.
Lunches: sandwiches, chips, veggies?
Dinner: a cassarole already made up so all we have to do is bake it? rolls,dessert
Breakfast: huckleberry pancakes, bacon, eggs, coffee, hot cocoa,fresh fruit.

We could stop off at Safeway in Newport and purchase it all together or each pick something they would like to bring and then finish off at the store for the extras.
Glenice can do the whole breakfast except coffee (icky, icky, icky).

waiting to hear from ya all.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hey, guys! I wanted to see if anyone has thought of what we might want to do for food for our overnighter. Do we want to go out for any meals? Cereal for breakfast? Snacks for dinner? Bring sandwich stuff? I don't know how remote this is. Glenice, if you're reading this, did you have something in mind?

This makes me think of our cabin retreat and the ridiculous amount of food we brought! Looked like enough for ALL of our combined families. We could've lived off of it until right about now..... =)

Can't wait for Tuesday!
XO, ~c.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back From Heaven & Hell

Hello My Friends,

Last weekend Steve and I hiked up to Stevens Lake in Idaho. Neither one of us had ever been there. WOW!! What a grueling hike that was, 4 miles straight up. Well, maybe I''m exaggerating a little bit, but the whole time it was an ascend and there were times when I was standing straight up and my nose was not more that an arm's length from the mountain. Seriously, I was ready to quit not 50 yards from the top and go back down, not knowing we were only 50 yards. If it hadn't been for Steve carrying a 60 lb. pack I would've quit. This was my first time with my new pack-pack, 20 lbs. I wish we were getting another massage soon. Once we got there the view was spectacular, almost like being at Glacier National Park, there was even an ice cap. The lake was so pristine, clear and cold, and the quiet was amazingly beautiful. We were planning on coming back on Sunday, but easily decided to stay another night. Our first night it rained I got no sleep, the second night the wind blew so fiercely I got no sleep. I was ready to leave as beautiful as it was and take my chances with the descend. It took up 2 1/2 hours up and 1:15 down. All in all I'm glad I did it, and would probably do it again.

Steve is planning another hike this coming weekend. I'm kinda looking forward to see where we will go next.

Around the house, I've been painting, splitting wood, cleaning out the wood shed, getting ready for fall. I really love my house, but not in the winter. Im so not looking forward to winter this year, I had so many problems with the wood stove and pipes freezing, and just plain being cold all the time, that Im thinking of going south, just in the thinking stage for now. Well Ladies, I need to get my day started. Love you till the cows come home and can't wait till the 23rd.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Hi all,

I called my parents yesterday and they said yes to us using their cabin on September 23 and the day of Sept.24. They said they will be coming up on the 24th sometime. I said we will bring our own sleeping stuff and eating stuff so to not make work for them. If the frost has not come the huckleberries will still be on. There are lots of places to walk or drive. To heat the cabin we have to burn a wood stove. They have a vcr if we wanted a movie. As for sleeping arrangements there are 2 beds up stairs, a hide a bed downstairs and their bed. I can bring an air mattress. We can line them all up on the floor to if anyone else preferred a air mattress. I think this will be an adventure. What do you all think? Are you in?