Thank miles and miles for all your help with Brett and Lydia's reception here! I know I could never have pulled it off without my Ya-Yas and lived to tell about it!
Cheryl, you provided half the food and all the punch.
Rosie, you came all the way to 'Canada' just to work hard for no pay.
Glenice, your aprons are a symbol of unity and colorfulness--it's what we are! You even brought your own lunch...
How can I thank you enough for giving and giving...?

My Brett and my new daughter, Lydia

I'm sorry that Rosie's eyes are closed in this one,
but it's the only one I had of all 5 of us with Brett and Lydia. :(
You guys are wind in my sails, butter on my bread, and you put the YAY in Ya-Ya!!! I love you and thank you and praise the Lord for your true hearts. May He bless you personally and richly as you pour yourselves out for one another and spend His Spirit extravagantly for the sake of others. XO