<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


We got together at Cheryl's for a combination celebration of birthdays for Glenice and me. I only have one tiara though, so we shared. Glenice made me laugh when she flinched at how close I had the camera to her face.

Rosie took this picture of my earrings, so I guess I'll post it.

Cheryl said that Glenice was causing problems. She took at least four pictures, and Glenice's face wasn't right in any of them. Here, she looks great, but I'm the one looking away.

I thought the camera was on self-timer. I was wrong.

We had a beautiful lunch, and we both got really sweet gifts. The gift of Us is the best though. Thank You, Lord, for Your presence and extravagant goodness.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Un-Lake Day

It was one of those good days. Talking in the pergola, enrobed by the beauty around us, savoring the five of us, it was a truly lovely afternoon. I hope Rosie had a lovely evening as she left us before dinner, but it was wonderful while it lasted.

Leslie was our guest photographer.

I think this is when Leslie said, "Mom, your boob is hanging out. Just kidding."

We didn't get any pictures of us with the guys, but that was a good time too. Steak and potatoes were a treat! Haven't had that much fun playing croquet in a really long time. Nennos came from behind with a vengeance and killed us all.

This will go into my 2011 Ya-Ya keepsake book. I think we should do this every summer. Like from now on until forever. I love us.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Brydia Reception

Thank miles and miles for all your help with Brett and Lydia's reception here! I know I could never have pulled it off without my Ya-Yas and lived to tell about it!

Cheryl, you provided half the food and all the punch.

Rosie, you came all the way to 'Canada' just to work hard for no pay.

Glenice, your aprons are a symbol of unity and colorfulness--it's what we are! You even brought your own lunch...

How can I thank you enough for giving and giving...?

My Brett and my new daughter, Lydia

The Ya-Yas with Jamara

I'm sorry that Rosie's eyes are closed in this one,
but it's the only one I had of all 5 of us with Brett and Lydia. :(

You guys are wind in my sails, butter on my bread, and you put the YAY in Ya-Ya!!! I love you and thank you and praise the Lord for your true hearts. May He bless you personally and richly as you pour yourselves out for one another and spend His Spirit extravagantly for the sake of others. XO

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Another Wedding!

Brett and Lydia Ruth Weatherly

So there's going to be another petit Ya-Ya wedding! The date is June 4, and it will be an outdoor wedding in Wichita Falls, Texas. However, they are requesting a reception here, to be held a week or so afterward. I believe I shall need help from y'all...

I'm assuming that Cheryl will read this first, and then Tina will come to know, and then Glenice, and Rosie might not know until we all meet at Mae's. I just wanted to post something about it here on our blog. 'Cause I can.

Love you guys!! xoxo