<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We get to go to a cabin!!

Glenice hides posts. Important ones! But not to be sneaky. Just to be efficient. Or speedy. Or something.

At any rate, you can read the message on the Birthday girl post. Comment #6. But I wanted to post this lovely picture for inspiration and motivation to get out your calendars!

I love you, my YaYa's! Field Trip!! Yippee!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Month, Princess Cheryl!

"It's my birthday, and I want an overnighter!"

And we're so glad you wanted one!

the princess

dancing to the sing along

There's never enough time when we get together, and even this time didn't seem like enough. I thought of so many things I wanted to ask after y'all left.

The lasagna rolls were deluxe, the salad was beautiful, and the baguette with dipping sauce was grand. The movie was fun, the sing-along was delightful, and the hot tub was lovely. What a beautiful night! (Thank You, Lord...) I think we got to bed around 1:30.

Maybe there will be a time when we can sleep in a bed that'll fit all of us so that we can stay together the whole time! =) Maybe that's spelled h-o-t-e-l, or at least the closest thing to one bed.

I can only remember one of the stretches you showed us--the last one that involves both stretching and balance. I like it. And I'm glad you felt at least a little better after your demonstration to us.

Glenice and I got a few scrapbook pages done after you left. That went fast too.

So grateful we could arrange a sleepover for our Princess Cheryl. Maybe we can still manage a Ya-Ya Day for February? Love you guys!!! XO

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Amended Plans for This Weekend

Yea, it looks like it'll be the 5 of us on Friday to celebrate Cheryl's birthday!

Come when you want.
  • Tina - Lasagna rolls & dipping sauce
  • Glenice - Salad
  • Rosie - Bread
  • Cyndi - Dessert
We'll have dinner and watch "Mamma Mia" when we're ready. Glenice is bringing popcorn. We can hot tub later if we feel like it.

We'll all help with breakfast. I have eggs, pancake mix, oatmeal, cereal...

  • pillow
  • sleeping bag
  • snacks
  • swimsuit for hot tub
  • camera?
Cheryl: I know you've been awfully stiff in the morning. I don't know if sleeping on my bed instead of a couch or the floor would be helpful, but you are certainly welcome to sleep there, k?

Cheryl's leaving at 1:00 on Saturday. Jylle & I are going to the Gonzaga game that night, but I probably won't leave until about 4:30.

If I forgot something, feel free to add on.

See you soon! XO

Monday, February 2, 2009

February Fun

Okay, this month: Looks like for Cheryl's birthday, it'll just be her and me this Thursday. But since we usually meet one day during the third week, could we schedule a day when we could all be together to celebrate her birthday? Tina has ski days and 'little one' days to work around, but couldn't we come up with a time when we're all available? I've come to really look forward to watching the Princess of the Day unwrap her presents and then answer questions! I understand that Rosie may be leaving soon and for a while, so if we have to give her up, then I guess we'll just have to... :(

Could you pose some potential dates in the comments so we can "get 'er done"? Thanks, you guys! XO, ~c.

P.S. - Cheryl, if you have a better picture of us to use for our blog than the one that's presently up there, I hope you feel you can change it if you want to, k?