<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Which one are you?

First thing us never-blogged-before ones are gonna need is a tutorial, Cyndi dear! I'm feeling quite intimidated. But as I am ever so grateful that you so quickly got this up and going on my full deck birthday, I knew I must dive in and speak up.

You Ya-Ya's must know that while Cyndi & I were on a 30 hour get away (made possible because the kids both had regional playoffs in Chelan) YOU were with us in spirit. We talked of you often & dreamed & schemed future get togethers and get-aways with you. We bemoaned the fact that we are consistently out of touch with each other and thus was born this blog. If we must we will print it and snail mail it to Glenice occasionally, but we are hoping that she finds a way to participate on line.

I'm cutting this short to write a lesson for Bible Study. I am going through Common Sense Teaching again with some Lakeside moms and have procrastinated til the day. But I want to call your attention to the graphic of five ladies' backsides that Cyndi posted as our header and ask you:

"Which one are you?"

I am the one in the green dress with the largest butt. The red hat signifies my comfort with being the oldest and boldest. Some of you are much more courageous than I, so I guess by boldest I really mean you never know what might come out of my mouth. Our God is working on that. Don't give up on me.

I love you dearly and pray that our God will see fit to re-connect us!


1 comment:

Cyndi Mulligan said...

Nicely done, o full-decked one! Be glad to tutorial anyone, but seems you did just fine! If you DO have questions, just lemme know. If I don't know, I can try to find out. I LOVE that you posted so soon! YEAYEAYEA!!! XO