<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Rock of Yayas

Well, la de dah. Cheryl beat me to the second post of our new endeavor and that is ok. I'm usually the last one to get on board new technological things, anyhow. Even now, I am hunting and pecking on the keys as I am reading the fine print of the tutorial Cyndi acutally wrote up for me, but I guess for all of us not-so-literate-computer gals.

I was looking at the biggest butt gal too and thought for sure it would be me. The green gal has one too yet so does the purple one and since I had to choose between yellow and purple, the biggest one won. Funny thing, she is the other book end and you need big ones for that!!

So to you my sisters, may we have a great time doing this blog thing. May we learn more about each other through our writing and our personalities be used to minister to one another as well as have a laugh or two or three. Rock on Ya Ya's. or The Rock of the Yaya's is awesome.

How should we sign this...


Ya-Ya Connection said...

It might be good to sign your name! I knew it was you, but in the future, I might be forced to guess. Perhaps we should also assume spectacular Ya-Ya names to go with our new dresses!

Cyndi Mulligan said...

Princess names! or not, maybe pen names. or names we've always secretly wanted. We lost the trail of naming one another back when... I think our writing styles are our signatures, but not if an entry is brief... what to do...