I love us. We rocked Cheryl's kitchen and turned out some sauce delish, didn't we?! Thank you, Tina, for staying for the party part. Your cake was deluxe! Sorry your house almost burned down... We thought of Steve on the roof when it started raining. Glenice, you'll be in the 'Zona on your actual birthday, so we're wishing you great, huge love now!!! mmWAH!!! (L, L)
Oh! About the pervert on the way to Glenice's house: We saw this practically naked person with really anemic looking skin wearing a bra and panties walking slowly down the road. As soon as we passed, he turned 90 degrees and took off into the woods. Rosie was a quarter mile behind me, and he did the same thing to her! She turned around when she passed, and that's how she saw that his tallywhacker was hanging out. (Her conclusion was that he doesn't know how to wear that kind of panty, so he shouldn't be wearing them. =) Glenice and I immediately felt the evil, I started praying.
On my way to DP, I passed a car with about four people in it heading toward Glenice's house. I thought too late I should've warned them. Lesson learned. On Prufer I saw a school bus and stopped it. I asked the driver if she had kids on the bus and warned her, and she called it in. She parked and flicked on the flashers. Almost to Burroughs, I saw an oncoming trooper, and I slammed on my brakes thinking I'd tell him. Then it occurred to me that he might just be the help that she radioed for.
It was rattling to experience that kind of evil, but worship and prayer restored my peace. It dawned on me that it was like a live illustration of sin. It was perverted, twisted, demonic, and hateful. I have a tendency to not think of the enemy, so this was a powerful picture of what he represents and how much he hates us. He l-o-a-t-h-e-s us. He desires chaos and destruction, and I need to know that!
So anyway, weirdness abounds, but our God of Hope abounds even more! Grace, mercy, peace, joy, and great love to you, my Ya-Yas!!! And the loveliest, warmest, most fun birthday ever for you, our dear Glenice!
XO, ~c.
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