<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Loving on the Twins

So Molly had twins on MY birthday [Cyndi] in 2011! Here it is March, and not all the Ya-Yas have had a chance to love on them.

Blissful Nanagram in October

Mae got a visit in December. Cheryl called her 21st century Great-Gramma Mae!

Tina with them in January

[L-R: Blake, Grayson] I helped Cheryl with them last Friday. It was SO FUN! They sat and honestly looked totally fascinated by our conversation. They looked at first Cheryl's face, then mine, seemingly mesmerized by our subject matter. It was captivating.

These little guys are not only sweet and adorable, they're easy-going, they smile practically all the time, and they're washable (gentle dry, do not wring. ; )

Three of us have grandbabies now. If Tina's little Dallas (and her nearly born sibling!) and Glenice's Gibson, Carter, Gracelyn, and Jazlyn [sp?] lived closer, I'm sure I'd post them up a good bit. I am truly sorry there is this distance because there's nothing like a "petit Ya-Ya." I have yet to meet Jacob's son, Daniel, but I hope to by summertime.

YAY for grands!

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