<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

And I Quote

This has our name written all over it!

"Brian Eno wants you to get some friends together and start singing.


Here's how he put it in a recent issue of Resurgence magazine: "I believe singing is the key to a long life, a good figure, a stable temperament, greater intelligence, new friends, increased self-confidence, heightened sexual attractiveness and a sense of humour. There! That got your attention."

Brian Eno is a 60-year-old electronic musician, and record producer. If you're familiar with the music of Paul Simon, David Byrne, U2, or Coldplay, then you've probably heard some of his work.

A few years ago, Eno and some friends started getting together to sing a capella. Some had musical experience and some didn't, but excellence wasn't the goal. In fact, there was no goal. They just got together on a regular basis and found they really enjoyed it.

Getting started is easy. After you get some friends lined up, you need just three things: drinks, snacks, and printouts of lyrics to a few songs.

Then once you're underway, Eno promises physiological benefits (deep and open breathing you wouldn't normally do), as well as psychological benefits. He writes: "Singing leaves you with a sense of levity and contentedness."

There are also "civilizational" benefits: "When you sing with a group of people you learn how to subsume yourself to the group consciousness – because a capella singing is all about the immersion of the self into the community. That's one of the great feelings: to stop being me for a little while, and to become us. That way lies empathy; the great virtue."

And while you're singing, you might also want to get out the pup tent and your dancing shoes. In his article, Eno cites a 30-year Scandinavian study that attempted to reveal which activities were most common among people who lived long, happy lives. Three activities stood out: singing, dancing, and camping."


Cyndi Mulligan said...

Chére, is that you? Sounds like fun. Except I'm the only one who can't sing. You guys all have great voices. I'll have to bring my bucket to carry the tune, but I'd be in just 'cause it's always great to be "us." My musical preferences are probably different from everyone's too, but I can be flexible and indulging.

What's Resurgence magazine about?

Cheryl Stillar said...

Oops. I forgot that I had to sign it. Yup, it's Cheryl. Don't know anything about Resurgence Mag. Took the quote from one of my Alternative Health Journals.

Your bucket, my foot. You can sing better than I. THIS is God's truth.