It truly is a miracle that we, who do NOT meet often enough, can pick right up where we left off and be such a jolly and loving crew. Our God is good.
Rosie arrived right on time and was a bit flummoxed to be first, and to be the only for awhile. I assured her that you all would be right along and so we visited for a bit. Within 5 minutes of one another, the rest of you arrived and with a surprise - Athena.
She fit right in and we made short work of the plans for the wedding food. It was unanimously decided that Tina could be the boss and that Cyndi and Rose will do whatever they are told. No promises were extracted from yours truly, but I can be counted on to keep us on our toesies.
Upon Athena's departure, we popped the food in the oven and focused on the reason for our celebration: Her royal highness, Princess Rose. She loved her presents, especially the handy-dandy, multi-bit, girly-handled screwdriver.
(Parenthetical statement: I am getting really ticked off at not knowing how to do these pictures. They will not go where I want, and the whole shooting match behaves in a manner inconsistent with my limited knowledge. If the blogging gets snarky from here on out, that is why. Dangnabit!)
We had a great Mexican food lunch, the highlight of which, if I do say myself, was the flan. I know that I finished mine, and at least two of you did not, or was it three? At any rate, there was plenty for Princess Cheryl, who soon will not fit into her pants because she eats too much and Tina has abandoned her to exercise alone and life is just not working in that department, but I shall cease from mentioning it further, as I feel aforementioned snark coming on.
Wonderful, mon Cherie! Well done, photo difficulty & all. Snark factor was pretty low I'd say. I love how you wrote it so that in say 2 yrs we can go back and read what happened that day and perhaps even remember for our own selves. Bits & pieces anyway =(. Rosie, you are so beautiful! Happiest birthday to you!
Such a surprise to see it wasn't Cyndi who documented our day. Thank you Cheryl, this was super nice. Obviously our postponed exercise has helped you sit more and learn how to do such things as this that we all can enjoy, since you are the least busy of us all. LOL, thank you so much, I love it. Great Photos. T
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