<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Amended Plans for This Weekend

Yea, it looks like it'll be the 5 of us on Friday to celebrate Cheryl's birthday!

Come when you want.
  • Tina - Lasagna rolls & dipping sauce
  • Glenice - Salad
  • Rosie - Bread
  • Cyndi - Dessert
We'll have dinner and watch "Mamma Mia" when we're ready. Glenice is bringing popcorn. We can hot tub later if we feel like it.

We'll all help with breakfast. I have eggs, pancake mix, oatmeal, cereal...

  • pillow
  • sleeping bag
  • snacks
  • swimsuit for hot tub
  • camera?
Cheryl: I know you've been awfully stiff in the morning. I don't know if sleeping on my bed instead of a couch or the floor would be helpful, but you are certainly welcome to sleep there, k?

Cheryl's leaving at 1:00 on Saturday. Jylle & I are going to the Gonzaga game that night, but I probably won't leave until about 4:30.

If I forgot something, feel free to add on.

See you soon! XO


Cheryl Stillar said...


Thank you my YaYa's! I will be there at 6. Cyndi, I would LOVE a bed, thank you.

Ya-Ya Connection said...

I haven't decided when I will leave on Saturday. If I go skiing, I probably will go before noon. If i go to the baby shower in town, I will leave before noon as well. T

Cheryl Stillar said...

Rosie called me today. She will not be able to come. She forgot a previous commitment to spend the evening with Julie. See you at 6.