<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cooking and then Cabin

Hi all, I am reading all of the responses to the cabin invite and I need some clarification. Which date do ya all want to go? The cabin is on Deer Lake and the kind family who owns it offered it to us for any time in May. They just need to know when and for how long. So with that information. Are we in for a week or a couple of days? The first if fine and the first weekend is fine. I say yes to all but then there are other people to consider. Gots to share.
Tina and I planned to cook at her house on Tuesday and Wednesday before the wedding. I have made aprons for all of you. They are bright and colorful just like you are to me. Thank you again for your help.
Let me know please so I can tell my friend the dates. thanks



Cheryl Stillar said...

I am in for the first weekend. I did not know we COULD have a WEEK. Whoa! That'll be the day. Tina and I talked about mid week at mid month, like the 19th & 20th or something. She goes to Russia the 3rd, so the 1st is a squeeze, but possible. Thoughts?

Cyndi Mulligan said...

You made aprons for us?! You're amazing... I have no idea when I can go. I can run dates past Kev and see. There's no way I could get away with a week--can't imagine us ever doing a week unless it was a cruise or one of us was dying... Is everyone feeling well? haha

I'll update when I get some info.

Ya-Ya Connection said...

as far as cooking goes, do those dys fit with everyone, tues and Wednesday. i don't go anywhere those nights but on thrusday I do. We could try for Friday, if nothing else works. As far as the cabin, still figuring it out. T