<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Birthday

It's my birthday again in a few days. I haven't planned on anything big and someone asked me, why not? I guess I just don't want it about me again. I want more space between last year when it was a biggy until the next one. Yet, I am warming up to the idea of a party. Party? Did you say PARTY?

Well, one party I for sure want to schedule is the one on the 17th. That date has been on Cheryl's calendar so we need to use it. I was thinking of going to Mae's, and I haven't contacted her yet, so it's not final. I don't know what exactly after that, but I'm still thinking about it. Just spending time with all of you will be great. I really want a YaYa sequel and do that again...

Please contact me so we can arrange our meeting time and place. Oh yeah, do you know this is acutally an invite to my birthday party with the yayas. Yeah.

1 comment:

Cyndi Mulligan said...

Mae would definitely make it about "not us." Have you contacted her yet? I put it on the calendar, so I'm a go unless I can't find a place for Jylle to go (Kev's working tomorrow). P-A-R-T-Y! It's always a party when we get together!