<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

YaYa's! Where Are You??

No posts! No comments for over a week! Hurrifically busy? Bummer.

I am fortunate enough to be having car trouble with 2 of our 3 cars, so that leaves me mostly grounded. Which works since I am trying to get all the pots planted cuz I bought bunches from the girls basketball team and they are getting leggy. I even took the hedge trimmer to the flats a week ago in an effort to mass trim them! Kinda look chewed up now, but very much alive.

For Mother's Day, from the kids I got $ to use to hire someone to do my spring cleaning. (I am such a bad housewife - I detest cleaning.) Now that I have the cash in my hot little hands, I am thinking up other uses for it. Molly & Annie also volunteered to help me do the pots, so we are going to try to knock that out this Sunday. On Monday I fly to Portland and then drive to the ocean for 3 days with Pam, so must get the tunias in the dirt!

Rick also bought me a gold bracelet. Since he started this jewelry thing I am really into bling.

I visited Mae last week and really whined & cried at her about my neck. Of course, she bathed me in the Word and prayer and I left feeling oh, so much better. We must try a field trip there. It's hard to share each other when we get so little YaYa time, but it is very much worth it, even if we don't sense the full value at the time. Do you realize how much she prays for you? All the more after we have visited.

How does your Wednesday, May 28th look? It was a date Tina suggested before leaving for Russia. It would be a time at her house doing last minute wedding stuff and would be a blessing to her, I'm sure.

Hope to be seeing you on the blog soon. I check every day & go away sad.


1 comment:

Merri said...

I was missing you, so I thought I'd check in and see what you've been up to. What a surprise that you despise housework, you do a great job of making it look like there's nothing you despise. : )

Love you!