<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

is it really spring?

Well here I am again waiting for the soccer game to start. So I'll catch ya up on the scoop. We had the team dinner last night and we had about 20 people: players and parents (Rosie and Jamara too (happy face). I had a great time and I know James did too because he pulled me aside twice and gave me a hug and said thank you! Sometimes we can't please our kids so when we do it goes all the way to the bone. The happy bone. No the coach did not show up. Not even a call. But we did end up inviting the varsity too because this weekend is so busy with the prom and livestock show that the available numbers were limited. Great bunch of kids!

The studabakers are doing well. The have adjusted amazingly well. I think Jim is happy to be free from all of the burden. I'll take her shopping with me. Or anything I do which does not require much of her. Monday we'll get her hair permed. Then she will look pretty. If only we can get her to go to the dentist so she can have more than one tooth in the front. She is doing well also. Jim took her to town for awhile and when they went to their home she wanted to know whom the house belonged to. WOW. I was shocked because she lived there since 1946. She likes to pick flowers and play with stuffed animals. Cute. Next week Jim will be leaving for California for 10 -14 days. By then I should have another opinion of her.

James has moved up to the Varsity for the playoffs. Don't really know if they'll play him but at least they will let him bench sit. He is ready of soccer to be over. I am not. I wished I could coach. But I do believe my plate is full right now.

Cyndi: I can't remember my pass word to the account you set up for me on gmail. I guess if ya don't use it ya lose it. It's gone.

So Tina are you ready for Russia? Is Russia ready for you?

Cheryl: Have you found out any thing from the tests?

Rosie: Thanks for coming over for the party and bringing Jamara. Some day I will bring Dot over and we'll do some yard work. She loves picking up pine needles and cones.

The other day Jacob's car died. He is now in the store for a car. Does anyone know of a car for sale? My grandma sold her car one month too early. This is a learning experience for him. Right now he is borrowing our van. He needs to find a car by the end of May.

Cyndi: Does Brett get to come home for Ryan's graduation? I hope so.

This computer said I better sign off. Love you. Till the next soccer game. TTFN


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