<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, my fellow I mean sister yayas, a new year that we are together. May the Lord come back this year and take us all away. It's been a blessing to have all of you as close friends. I love you and can't wait till our next visit with each other.. Love Tina


Cheryl Stillar said...

Amen, sister! I am heading to Vancouver tomorrow for the big Conzatti wedding. Six of us are going, not Rick, Leslie or Alex. Will be a bash. Back on the 4th. See you at 7 on the 5th, Miss Tina. We surely need the exercise. Though you have been skiing and I have been shoveling, so we are complete couch potatoes. See you all next year!

Cyndi Mulligan said...

[Did you mean "not" complete couch potatoes...?] Yes, happy new year to my beloved Ya-Yas! May we deepen, strengthen, enlarge, conform, yield, and bless like never before! Soli Deo gloria! XO

Ya-Ya Connection said...

Have a great trip Cheryl. Can't meet with you yet because the kids are still here until the 7th, then Thursday is the homeschool group. So it won't be until the following week, as I see it. Starting only Mon and Wed now. Also Cyndi, did I tell you that I ordered a groceryman book but forgot and it was in the mail yesterday. Yahoo! Making a big dinner now. See you.

Cheryl Stillar said...

Yep. Not coach potatoes. But that was LAST year. Just got back from Portland/Vancouver and must needs go on a diet. And now I learn I have no exercise partner until next week and then only two days. I'm gonna get FAT. (Fatter.) Someone rescue me.