<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jacob's Wedding

Say Ya Ya's Athena and Jacob asked if we wanted to help do the food for their wedding. It is on April 26 th. She liked what Tina did at her daughter's wedding and asked if it was possible to do it again. What do you all think? Same menu. About 150 people. Please give me your thoughts. Thanks.


Cyndi Mulligan said...

I couldn't stay for Halley's reception--what was it that Athena liked? Do they have a location yet? Oh, wow, I can't believe you'll have TWO married... I'm barely over chasing James around for a hug!

Cheryl Stillar said...

I am in for a YaYa dig. I WAS at Halley's but do not remember. Oh, dear. I helped make the food for it, let me just think. . . Nope, can't remember. It's there in the fog, just outside my reach. Alfredo sauce, caesar salad, bread with vinegar & oil just as we sat down. Chicken. Oh well, Tina knows.

Ya-Ya Connection said...

Yes Glenice, I would love to help. The dinner was as Cheryl remembered. It was easy to make and is quite doable. Maybe we can talk more about it on the next YA YA get together. Can that day be at my house next Friday on December 12. Like from 10:30 till ? Anyone into that? T

Ya-Ya Connection said...

I love all of you. To make yourselves available for me and my family is beyond words.Thank you so much for your willingness to help out, to show your love to me. Another event for us to share, to create memories. I thank my Abba for all of you! We can talk more at the Christmas gathering.