<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Needs to learn to follow directions

So I learned something about myself today. I went back and read the last post. It says arrive around 10:30 or 11. Very open. I did not read past the 10:30. If I had, a) I would have not been surprised to be the first to arrive at 10:45, and b) I would have not worried so much about Cyndi because a) she was not THAT late, and b) our hostess was rather nebulous on the arrival time.

All of this does make me recall that in Kindergarten when the only grades you got were S (Satisfactory) and U (Unsatisfactory), I got a bunch of U's. One was for "Practices Self-Control". I remember this vividly and I am scarred. But surely, there must have been one for "Pays Attention" or "Follows Directions".

See, Tina, I have been a failure for a long time and I am not getting any better. Come sit in the corner with me. We can visit.

I love you, my YaYa's!!


Cyndi Mulligan said...

It was about 5 min after the you're-hurting-me hug that your words came drifting back to me, "And you didn't think to call to let us know?" And I realized I've just been scolded... isn't she cute when she's trying to scold in a civilized manner?! Your words had their hands on their hips, but your heart was so in the right place, so again, I both apologize and thank you all for your very real love and concern for me, not just when I'm late, but every blessed day.

It's good to be Us, warts and all!

Ya-Ya Connection said...

I'd love to sit in the corner and talk about your warts Cheryl. And Cynni, we must remember, like Glenice does, that you have pit stops since you live out of town. We will give you more slack, but the real thing was, we didn't want you to bail, and our mothering of you had us our shorts all bundled up. NOtice I'm not bringing up any offense from the word nebulous....Trying to be funny but not. love you all. It was a very wonderful day. Something I will never forget...hopefully. Saw Rosie today as she delviered across the street. Was going to call me a non-customer but thought that might breech confidentiality and all.