<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Oh Christmas Joy

Would you all like to come to my home next Friday, December 12 for our annual Christmas fellowship, frolic and fun time? I also think it would be great to either have a cookie exchange or make cookies together, or some activity like that. We would of course do lunch as we are used to doing... Hmm, I wonder what we should eat, and who should bring what, but not to worry, it will all work itself out in the right time, so let me say this:

You're cordially-(with much admiration, passion and resolve) invited,
to lift your spirits with your YAYA sisters,
at the home of Tina aka:Thinks Out Loud
on Friday, December 12
10:30 to ?

Please rsvp me.
Hope to see you soon

Oh yes, all gifts can be or should be or I would like to have: consumables, unless of course it is a Harold Bell Wright book.


Cyndi Mulligan said...

I'm working all next week, so I couldn't make it, but you should all definitely do it if the date is good for everyone, ks? I could read up on here--that's what the blog is for, right?! XO

Cheryl Stillar said...

Nope. Don't want any absences. Can we go ahead one week so Cyndi can be there?

Ya-Ya Connection said...

What's a party without all the participants. Let's find another date. What is a good day for you, Cyndi?

Ya-Ya Connection said...

I will check if I am available. I believe I am. But I agree we all must be there. So when can you come Cyndi? When is the next time Tina can host the party. Oh How We Love To Party!

Cyndi Mulligan said...

The only other day I work is Friday the 19th. I think Ryan comes home for Christmas the 17th, but other than that I'm free.

While I would feel exactly the same about wanting everyone in attendance, if it doesn't work out, then I'd hope that you'd get together anyway. Y'all know how to make a girl feel loved and wanted though. Yum.

Ya-Ya Connection said...

Is Tuesday the 16th a good day for you Cyndi, and what about the rest of you? T

Cheryl Stillar said...

I'm in for the 16th.

Cyndi Mulligan said...

We'll pick up Brett at the airport, but it won't be until late, so I'm in.

Ya-Ya Connection said...

Hey Everyone, Glenice & Rose are available on the 16th what should bring anything?