Hello My Friends,
Last weekend Steve and I hiked up to Stevens Lake in Idaho. Neither one of us had ever been there. WOW!! What a grueling hike that was, 4 miles straight up. Well, maybe I''m exaggerating a little bit, but the whole time it was an ascend and there were times when I was standing straight up and my nose was not more that an arm's length from the mountain. Seriously, I was ready to quit not 50 yards from the top and go back down, not knowing we were only 50 yards. If it hadn't been for Steve carrying a 60 lb. pack I would've quit. This was my first time with my new pack-pack, 20 lbs. I wish we were getting another massage soon. Once we got there the view was spectacular, almost like being at Glacier National Park, there was even an ice cap. The lake was so pristine, clear and cold, and the quiet was amazingly beautiful. We were planning on coming back on Sunday, but easily decided to stay another night. Our first night it rained I got no sleep, the second night the wind blew so fiercely I got no sleep. I was ready to leave as beautiful as it was and take my chances with the descend. It took up 2 1/2 hours up and 1:15 down. All in all I'm glad I did it, and would probably do it again.
Steve is planning another hike this coming weekend. I'm kinda looking forward to see where we will go next.
Around the house, I've been painting, splitting wood, cleaning out the wood shed, getting ready for fall. I really love my house, but not in the winter. Im so not looking forward to winter this year, I had so many problems with the wood stove and pipes freezing, and just plain being cold all the time, that Im thinking of going south, just in the thinking stage for now. Well Ladies, I need to get my day started. Love you till the cows come home and can't wait till the 23rd.
I LOVE that picture! Thank you for posting this--it was really fun to read. You made me feel the steep grade of the mountain and the tiredness from all the exertion and no sleep... Now I'm ready for a nappy, hehe! I'm glad you're home safely! XO
YAY Rosie!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait until the cabin. So glad you could post. Miss you awful. Thank you Jesus for my YAYA'S!!!
Rosie - you did not tell us. Are you in for the cabin??
When she wrote "can't wait till the 23rd" at the end, I just assumed she was in...
That's what I get for reading too fast. Touche, smart ass.
I have two friends in the whole world who can call me names, blurt out my faults, insult my good intentions, or otherwise call me on the carpet, and it only further endears them to me! You, dahlin', are one of 'em! =)
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