What a beautiful day for this to happen. What great gobs of gifts He poured out on us, His girls! There was more than a month's worth of talking out we could've done, but what we were given must have been perfect, eh? Thank you so much for making this happen. Getting Mae here and back, the wonderful birthday gifts, the great food, and us just sitting together sharing a meal and our hearts and God's word--we are the stuff of great old books. I love us. I'm so grateful. mmWAH. XO
Post Scripts:
Post Scripts:
- We missed you, Rosie!
- Thank you for the walk, Glenice--it was splendid!
- Is anyone actually going to write that letter?
Thank YOU for lavishing us with WORDS of encouragement and vivid word pictures that we can remember the sun/son shining through your windows and our lives. You are a gem that sparkles and when we get together we are jewels in His crown. Love to you. How can I get that photo. T
Click on the picture, and it opens in your browser. Right click and click on "Save Image as" (or "Save Picture as" in Explorer). If that doesn't make sense, I'll just send them to you, k?
Cyndi - what a treat. You are so speedy with your blogging and it blesses me. Thank you.
I was able to show my mom. She has heard me talk about Mae over the years, but they have never met and I don't carry a picture, so there it was. Thanks.
Is anyone actually going to write that letter?
I just had to laugh at that. Like Tina's "How can I get that photo", it was indeed a post script of the "whole 'nother subject" kind.
I am frustrated. I really wanted to ask tons of questions at the time, but was too chicken. I was not comfortable with it just being put out there that way, but unwilling to open a can of worms and have them crawl all over me.
Did she give us an order? Is she my boss? DO we have a choice? Do you think she will forget? Do we have to tell her if we are or not? Cheryl, He writes to you everyday, just give her what you wrote yesterday becasue that was very very good.....
She did say she wanted us to give her a copy. I laughed inside when she said it because I knew some of you didn't hear it. I am evil. It was not an order, she is not your boss, you do have a choice, but, she will NOT forget. Who is going to be the good child and get it done first?
Her request landed on me like a box of last year's Halloween candy--sweet in essence, but it really doesn't sound appetizing. To write something like that, I'd need to have the compulsion of His prompting, which I don't. So then I thought Is she wanting this for us--or for herself--and if for her, why? Tell me more... Right now, He speaks to me in songs. Most of what I write is melancholy, and I can't make myself write a pick-me-up letter. My muses are rebelling.
Cheryl, what questions did you want to ask? And what did He write to you "yesterday" that was "very, very good?" And WHO wrote that comment? It wasn't signed.
Tina wrote it.
My questions were like "So you want us to use Scripture?" "You are looking for what His purpose and plans are for us in our personal ministry?" "Why do you want us to do this?" "What is the perceived value?" "What are you looking for here?"
Couldn't tell you exactly what Tina was talking about. Every day in my quiet time I quote excerpts that really spoke to me. I read them to Tina as we have time and something applies. I could definitely write on any day "These are the things God said to me today." But that is not what I felt she was asking for. It sounded more like a life message she wanted. I would add one more question. "What if we don't think that is something God would have us do right now? Is this just you, Mae?"
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