Let me be the first to say thanks for the wonderful post,
Glenice! I know I could have done a comment instead, but on my to do list was a post so I am killing two birds with one stone. Or maybe a bird and a speeding bullet? No, it is two birds, but the one is a ROADRUNNER! A little humble pie is always good for the soul.
Thanks for the congrats on Les & Kyle. Funny how much the awards meant at the time and now that it's history it has lost some shine. Fickle I am.
I have an idea for our Ya Ya day on Tuesday. I know it's technically no one's birthday, but since mine is still the closest & because I've adopted the concept of the birthday ZONE as opposed to a birthday WEEK, I would like to make it all about ME again. Or perhaps just somewhat about me?
To bring
ya'll up to speed, I have been becoming far more intimate with some traditional health care professionals. I've developed a particularly delightful rapport with the lady at Inland Imaging who schedules tests. She gets me. And likes to match wits with me. She has made it fun.
The painful abdomen returned a week ago. It is not as bad as the week long episode in February that was diagnosed as a virus, but I am so afraid of that kind of pain returning that I hopped on the bus Gus, to get some help. X rays were done on Tuesday which showed nothing. (My primary doc, who's husband is a chiropractor, so she kinda gets me, is thinking small bowel obstruction.)
Yesterday I had a cat scan. I was not prepared for that at all. They make you drink a "contrast" in about 20 ounces of Tang. That was foreign enough, thank you. Then they took me back to dress down & get my IV. I definitely did not sign up for that! Here I've gone from "I don't do medical doctors" to "I ask absolutely no questions, just do what it takes to make this pain stop". Tina was feeling so bad that I was going it alone, and that part didn't bother me, it never
occurred to me to get some company, but my general lack of inquisitiveness in these proceedings keeps buying me surprises. So in goes the IV port and turns out this is for an injected contrast that is given during the cat scan. Have you ever had this? The lady said I would feel it going through my body and it would be a warm feeling. Perhaps like a hot flash. Turns out she has never had 1) a hot flash or 2) a cat scan. She should have said "You will feel the poison enter your blood stream. Within 10 seconds it will go everywhere you have veins, vessels or any other blood transporting channel. You have a great deal of these in your vaginal area, and combined with the warmth, you will be sure you have just wet your pants. You probably did not, but we will deal with that when the scan is over. Hold your breath, please."
I did not think to ask when I might get results, but I do know that if it shows nothing, the next step is to send me to a
gastro doc for further consultation.
But all of that actually has nothing to do with Tuesday. On Tuesday at 11:15 I am to report to Inland on Cowley down by St.
Lukes to be injected with some contrast and then I may leave and return at 1:45 for a limited bone scan on my neck to see just how bad these bone spurs are and to have info to send me to a specialist for further consultation. (Last weekend in bed with the abdominal pain so aggravated my neck that I was motivated to pursue this
aforerejected procedure.)
Can we somehow work around my issues and are
ya'll willing to be with a radioactive ya-ya in between injection and scan?