<center><b>Ya-Ya Connection</b></center>

Ya-Ya Connection

To the One Who made friendship,
who launched this ship of friends,
may we bless You...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hi ya ya's

Sounds wonderful. Wow! A trip with radioactive Cheryl. Okay I am in. I am sad for you having to go through this, Baby Doll. I am glad that we can physically join you on some parts of the journey. Hope you know that we already join you in the spiritual aspect of it. Lord God grant Cheryl your grace and healing touch. Amen.

I have some things I need to do while I am in Spokane on Tuesday..shopping for food and James pants, Home Depot for guides for dresser drawers and S video cable. Then I have to be at DP by 3:30 for a soccer game(if one is to be played on 8 inches of corn snow. That is one great thing about basketball and volleyball...they are played inside a building.In soccer and track one freezes to death.

Looking forward to tomorrow.

kiss, kiss, kiss...LL

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