Wednesday, December 16, 2009
THANK YOU, Rosie!!!♥
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Happy Birthday, Dear Glenice!!!

I love us. We rocked Cheryl's kitchen and turned out some sauce delish, didn't we?! Thank you, Tina, for staying for the party part. Your cake was deluxe! Sorry your house almost burned down... We thought of Steve on the roof when it started raining. Glenice, you'll be in the 'Zona on your actual birthday, so we're wishing you great, huge love now!!! mmWAH!!! (L, L)
Oh! About the pervert on the way to Glenice's house: We saw this practically naked person with really anemic looking skin wearing a bra and panties walking slowly down the road. As soon as we passed, he turned 90 degrees and took off into the woods. Rosie was a quarter mile behind me, and he did the same thing to her! She turned around when she passed, and that's how she saw that his tallywhacker was hanging out. (Her conclusion was that he doesn't know how to wear that kind of panty, so he shouldn't be wearing them. =) Glenice and I immediately felt the evil, I started praying.
On my way to DP, I passed a car with about four people in it heading toward Glenice's house. I thought too late I should've warned them. Lesson learned. On Prufer I saw a school bus and stopped it. I asked the driver if she had kids on the bus and warned her, and she called it in. She parked and flicked on the flashers. Almost to Burroughs, I saw an oncoming trooper, and I slammed on my brakes thinking I'd tell him. Then it occurred to me that he might just be the help that she radioed for.
It was rattling to experience that kind of evil, but worship and prayer restored my peace. It dawned on me that it was like a live illustration of sin. It was perverted, twisted, demonic, and hateful. I have a tendency to not think of the enemy, so this was a powerful picture of what he represents and how much he hates us. He l-o-a-t-h-e-s us. He desires chaos and destruction, and I need to know that!
So anyway, weirdness abounds, but our God of Hope abounds even more! Grace, mercy, peace, joy, and great love to you, my Ya-Yas!!! And the loveliest, warmest, most fun birthday ever for you, our dear Glenice!
XO, ~c.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Living History
Ok, it has been a mnth already and I just looked at the blog. Wow. It is sooo cool!. I loved it. Thank you, I assume, Cyndi. What a beautiful thing to do....Our album is living and being shared across the world...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tina's Birthday!
Tina, your amazing presentation blessed us tremendously! What a fantastic spread--the dishes, the food, the dessert tea--so wonderful! Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us celebrate your birthday in a fabulous way. Lord b-l-e-s-s you!!!♥
[I changed the layout because the slide show was cutting off the right sides of the photos. I'll change it back before I leave, if I remember--or maybe Glenice will have time to look at it if I just wait... Whatever you guys want... XO]
[I changed the layout because the slide show was cutting off the right sides of the photos. I'll change it back before I leave, if I remember--or maybe Glenice will have time to look at it if I just wait... Whatever you guys want... XO]
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Birthday happenings
the 15th is over but we can still meet on the 23rd at 11:00. High tea hmmm. I still haven't decided what it will be like actually. But for those who want to bring food, I will get back with you.. I hope I do, have I not before? So much on my mind and this is not next in line but about 4 back from the front, if you know what I mean... Thank you. Tina
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Tina's Birthday
Are we meeting at Tina's on the 15th? That's the day that sticks in my mind. Is it at 11? Shall we all bring something for lunch? Are we doing a high tea? I remember something about tea cups... Maybe I'm making memory salad out of bits of different conversations, oh dear... I do need some facts, if someone can please help me. Thanks, guys. XO
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Loved being with all of you at the cabin. I'm waiting for some photos to appear on the screen, Anyone have time for that? Love you, Tina
Friday, June 5, 2009
Deer Lake
Glenice! Thank you so much for the incredible thank you! You went to such lengths to communicate to each of us personally your deep appreciation. It was extraordinary, and we thank you. XO
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Thank you for the love you demonstrated to me and my family for cooking the complete reception meal, serving it and cleaning up after the meal. I only heard good things about it. You all did a wonderful job. I am working on the "thank you cabin" for you all of you on the weekend of June 4-6
Thank you again from my whole mind, heart and soul.
Thank you again from my whole mind, heart and soul.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Cabin Dates
Glenice called this morning to try to get some dates to offer her friend who has the cabin. We made an executive decision and came up with May 18, 19, 20, 21. If we pick any two sequential dates, she can get them in cement with her friend. Personally, I prefer 18-19 or 19-20, but I can do any of them if another combo works better for someone.
Please let her know, k? Thanks! XO
Please let her know, k? Thanks! XO
Monday, April 6, 2009
Cooking and then Cabin
Hi all, I am reading all of the responses to the cabin invite and I need some clarification. Which date do ya all want to go? The cabin is on Deer Lake and the kind family who owns it offered it to us for any time in May. They just need to know when and for how long. So with that information. Are we in for a week or a couple of days? The first if fine and the first weekend is fine. I say yes to all but then there are other people to consider. Gots to share.
Tina and I planned to cook at her house on Tuesday and Wednesday before the wedding. I have made aprons for all of you. They are bright and colorful just like you are to me. Thank you again for your help.
Let me know please so I can tell my friend the dates. thanks
Tina and I planned to cook at her house on Tuesday and Wednesday before the wedding. I have made aprons for all of you. They are bright and colorful just like you are to me. Thank you again for your help.
Let me know please so I can tell my friend the dates. thanks
who's who?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
We get to go to a cabin!!

At any rate, you can read the message on the Birthday girl post. Comment #6. But I wanted to post this lovely picture for inspiration and motivation to get out your calendars!
I love you, my YaYa's! Field Trip!! Yippee!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Month, Princess Cheryl!
"It's my birthday, and I want an overnighter!"
And we're so glad you wanted one!
There's never enough time when we get together, and even this time didn't seem like enough. I thought of so many things I wanted to ask after y'all left.
The lasagna rolls were deluxe, the salad was beautiful, and the baguette with dipping sauce was grand. The movie was fun, the sing-along was delightful, and the hot tub was lovely. What a beautiful night! (Thank You, Lord...) I think we got to bed around 1:30.
Maybe there will be a time when we can sleep in a bed that'll fit all of us so that we can stay together the whole time! =) Maybe that's spelled h-o-t-e-l, or at least the closest thing to one bed.
I can only remember one of the stretches you showed us--the last one that involves both stretching and balance. I like it. And I'm glad you felt at least a little better after your demonstration to us.
Glenice and I got a few scrapbook pages done after you left. That went fast too.
So grateful we could arrange a sleepover for our Princess Cheryl. Maybe we can still manage a Ya-Ya Day for February? Love you guys!!! XO
And we're so glad you wanted one!
There's never enough time when we get together, and even this time didn't seem like enough. I thought of so many things I wanted to ask after y'all left.
The lasagna rolls were deluxe, the salad was beautiful, and the baguette with dipping sauce was grand. The movie was fun, the sing-along was delightful, and the hot tub was lovely. What a beautiful night! (Thank You, Lord...) I think we got to bed around 1:30.
Maybe there will be a time when we can sleep in a bed that'll fit all of us so that we can stay together the whole time! =) Maybe that's spelled h-o-t-e-l, or at least the closest thing to one bed.
I can only remember one of the stretches you showed us--the last one that involves both stretching and balance. I like it. And I'm glad you felt at least a little better after your demonstration to us.
Glenice and I got a few scrapbook pages done after you left. That went fast too.
So grateful we could arrange a sleepover for our Princess Cheryl. Maybe we can still manage a Ya-Ya Day for February? Love you guys!!! XO
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Amended Plans for This Weekend
Yea, it looks like it'll be the 5 of us on Friday to celebrate Cheryl's birthday!
Come when you want.
We'll all help with breakfast. I have eggs, pancake mix, oatmeal, cereal...
Cheryl's leaving at 1:00 on Saturday. Jylle & I are going to the Gonzaga game that night, but I probably won't leave until about 4:30.
If I forgot something, feel free to add on.
See you soon! XO
Come when you want.
- Tina - Lasagna rolls & dipping sauce
- Glenice - Salad
- Rosie - Bread
- Cyndi - Dessert
We'll all help with breakfast. I have eggs, pancake mix, oatmeal, cereal...
- pillow
- sleeping bag
- snacks
- swimsuit for hot tub
- camera?
Cheryl's leaving at 1:00 on Saturday. Jylle & I are going to the Gonzaga game that night, but I probably won't leave until about 4:30.
If I forgot something, feel free to add on.
See you soon! XO
Monday, February 2, 2009
February Fun
Okay, this month: Looks like for Cheryl's birthday, it'll just be her and me this Thursday. But since we usually meet one day during the third week, could we schedule a day when we could all be together to celebrate her birthday? Tina has ski days and 'little one' days to work around, but couldn't we come up with a time when we're all available? I've come to really look forward to watching the Princess of the Day unwrap her presents and then answer questions! I understand that Rosie may be leaving soon and for a while, so if we have to give her up, then I guess we'll just have to... :(
Could you pose some potential dates in the comments so we can "get 'er done"? Thanks, you guys! XO, ~c.
P.S. - Cheryl, if you have a better picture of us to use for our blog than the one that's presently up there, I hope you feel you can change it if you want to, k?
Could you pose some potential dates in the comments so we can "get 'er done"? Thanks, you guys! XO, ~c.
P.S. - Cheryl, if you have a better picture of us to use for our blog than the one that's presently up there, I hope you feel you can change it if you want to, k?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Rosie!
It truly is a miracle that we, who do NOT meet often enough, can pick right up where we left off and be such a jolly and loving crew. Our God is good.
Rosie arrived right on time and was a bit flummoxed to be first, and to be the only for awhile. I assured her that you all would be right along and so we visited for a bit. Within 5 minutes of one another, the rest of you arrived and with a surprise - Athena.
She fit right in and we made short work of the plans for the wedding food. It was unanimously decided that Tina could be the boss and that Cyndi and Rose will do whatever they are told. No promises were extracted from yours truly, but I can be counted on to keep us on our toesies.
Upon Athena's departure, we popped the food in the oven and focused on the reason for our celebration: Her royal highness, Princess Rose. She loved her presents, especially the handy-dandy, multi-bit, girly-handled screwdriver.
(Parenthetical statement: I am getting really ticked off at not knowing how to do these pictures. They will not go where I want, and the whole shooting match behaves in a manner inconsistent with my limited knowledge. If the blogging gets snarky from here on out, that is why. Dangnabit!)
We had a great Mexican food lunch, the highlight of which, if I do say myself, was the flan. I know that I finished mine, and at least two of you did not, or was it three? At any rate, there was plenty for Princess Cheryl, who soon will not fit into her pants because she eats too much and Tina has abandoned her to exercise alone and life is just not working in that department, but I shall cease from mentioning it further, as I feel aforementioned snark coming on.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The Plan
Here is the plan: We meet Wednesday at 10:30 at Cheryl's to celebrate Rosie's birthday!
Cyndi and I decided on a menu. We are going Mexican because that sounded good to us on the phone. I think we were both hungry, and the first thought of everyone bring a salad just didn't do anything for us.
So Cyndi is making flan for dessert and I will do a taco salad. Rosie is the guest of honor and therefore may not bring anything.
So, Glenice and Tina, could one of you bring a main dish, like enchiladas or such, and the other one do super nachos (with guacamole, of course!)? Talk amongst yourselves.
Kinda bossy of me, I know, but that is the prerogative of the hostess (says I).
Tina can stay til 2 or so, and if it works we can watch Mamma Mia and break up about 3:30ish.
See you then!
Princess Cheryl
Cyndi and I decided on a menu. We are going Mexican because that sounded good to us on the phone. I think we were both hungry, and the first thought of everyone bring a salad just didn't do anything for us.
So Cyndi is making flan for dessert and I will do a taco salad. Rosie is the guest of honor and therefore may not bring anything.
So, Glenice and Tina, could one of you bring a main dish, like enchiladas or such, and the other one do super nachos (with guacamole, of course!)? Talk amongst yourselves.
Kinda bossy of me, I know, but that is the prerogative of the hostess (says I).
Tina can stay til 2 or so, and if it works we can watch Mamma Mia and break up about 3:30ish.
See you then!
Princess Cheryl
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 21st
I've been watching the blog and no one has commented on the change to Wednesday. I need to reschedule a massage if that is a go, and will probably do some phone calling tomorrow. See the comments on the last post. - Cheryl
Sunday, January 11, 2009
January Get Together
Cyndi reminded me that we have a date set for our next get together - January 20th. It will be a celebration of Rosie - if she is here. (And we can celebrate her even if she is not, but it would be much more fun with her presence.)
Rosie - are you here?!?
I know this is a Tina ski day. Are you willing to skip the slopes, or do you want us to change to a different day? And Glenice, are you able to exit the tundra and do you have the day free?
Check in YaYa's. It's time to beat the January blues with a YaYa Love Fest!
Princess Cheryl
Rosie - are you here?!?
I know this is a Tina ski day. Are you willing to skip the slopes, or do you want us to change to a different day? And Glenice, are you able to exit the tundra and do you have the day free?
Check in YaYa's. It's time to beat the January blues with a YaYa Love Fest!
Princess Cheryl
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